Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • Biggest World of Warcraft Feature Request: Age Based PuGs!

    You’ll run into them. The little under age asshole kiddies who have no consciousness about society. Mom and Dad don’t put limits on their computer usage so these little bastards freely troll the game and cause grief to various players, who are just trying to get some gear, play the game and whatnot. What can…

  • The Future of Content Creation

    There’s a huge war between Hollywood/the music industry and Silicon Valley going on. The war mostly is over the problems of distribution and cost, although the MPAA/RIAA lawyers are branding this an issue over intellectual property (it’s really assets because you can’t call Justin Bieber or Britney Spears anything related to intelligence). Generally, the MPAA/RIAA’s…

  • Current Progress in Patch 4.3

    So far patch 4.3 for World of Warcraft has been the best part of the expansion thus far. Yes, things were greatly simplified but you always have to realize that not everyone is great. For instance, I did LFR today where some jackass griefer kept pulling mobs and wiping our group. Since we didn’t have…

  • Upgrading Gear for Patch 4.3 Continued

    As I gear up my toons in patch 4.3 for World of Warcraft, I wanted to share my own experiences as I geared up my various toons with the current expansion for those who might share my play style. First off, if you’ve read my blog, I am a casual gamer. I don’t consider myself…

  • How to Get Into the New Cataclysm (Patch 4.3) Heroics

    Patch 4.3 has done some good things for casual players in making gearing  up for the final death wing battle a lot simpler compared with the previous patches. However, there is a major caveat: if you don’t meet a certain item level, you won’t be able to get into the new Heroics. So what happens…

  • lawlz of the day

    he died….with lipstick on.

  • What Cataclysm Got Right

    I can’t say that Cataclysm was a complete dismal experience. As we head towards Mists of Panderia and end the year with patch 4.3 and kill Deathwing, I wanted to reflect on some of the positive aspects of Cataclysm (there were a few). Tauren Paladins There were quite a few new race/class combinations but I…

  • Why I Hate Dating

    Dating is the most illogical thing in the world. It’s even more illogical than a Google interview but it shares the same lines of thinking. The thing about dating is that it’s really a game of chance where you’re attempting to assess the other person and get a better feeling for what they’re about and…

  • Why Cataclysm Can Be Considered A Dismal Failure

    Since day one in hearing what was going to happen with Cataclysm, I had an inkling that the expansion would be a miserable failure. The numbers don’t lie folks and the massive drop in subscriptions can be attributed to the fact that the game did a lot to alienate people. Now, some say that because…

  • Gearing Up A Level 80 in Cataclysm

    Since Cataclysm has been out for a while and that most people probably don’t do Lich King raids any longer (except for past achievements), there is a basic issue of gearing up a new toon after finishing Northrend. I found that for my first toon or two, it was difficult for the first few quests…