Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • My Remaining Reasons to Get Married

    I’m truly ambivalent of being in a relationship and single at different times. Being single is great on the one hand for me because I don’t have any obligations to anyone except myself. I’m so used to being alone that I’ve kinda given up on the thought of getting into a relationship again. I mean,…

  • Druid at 79; Cataclysm Coming Up!

    Feeling rather ill this weekend, I did little again outside of working on my druid. I managed to really push her, landing at 79. Hopefully, if I have enough time tomorrow (or this week), I’ll get her up to 80 fairly quickly. Then it’ll be on to Mount Hyjal. I want her at 85 quickly…

  • PMI == BS

    I just took a mega survey that supposedly was to help my friend. Originally, I thought that I would be simply writing a recommendation. Instead, I took a buzzword compliant mega form that made the SATs seem like a pre-school exam. After reading through all the various terms, I wanted to thoroughly shove my head…

  • Long, Productive Week

    This week was truly brutal. The first two days I was living off of Redbulls (despite my exigency not to down those things anymore) as I had things I needed to accomplish. I only managed to hit the gym once this week as I just felt physically burnt out. From Friday, I started getting a…

  • How the World May End

    There was a really cool video shown from NASA about the sun having a monstrous solar flare today. While supposedly we were lucky in being out of harms way, one has to wonder if our luck will run out some day. Of course, considering recent talk about the so-called end of the world predictions, seeing…

  • World of Warcraft: Movin’ on Up

    I just got my druid to level 68 and moved her to Northrend in the Borean Tundra. Her inscription is now at 361 and I plan to do a few round wandering around the area to do some gathering. Although I predict the next few days to be somewhat busy, I’m hoping that this weekend…

  • World of Warcraft: I Learned Today….

    I’m such a bonehead. I never knew this until today that you could create enchantments using scrolls. But I suspected that you could otherwise enchanters would be even more valuable as a sought after class on servers. For myself, this is great news because it provides a great deal of incentive for me to level…

  • World of Warcraft: Hitting A Wall of Professions

    Once you have an 85 level toon, it’s very easy to have stuff trickle down to your other toons. In my case, I’ve been supporting my shaman’s tailoring and enchanting skills through my paladin. I managed to accumulate a great deal of frostweave cloth that was sitting and collecting dust in his bank account and…

  • World of Warcraft: Moving on Up!

    Finally, I managed to have my death knight hit level 85 today. That’s my second 85 next to my paladin. I’ve halted questing temporarily in the Twilight Highlands and will start having him focus on mining ore. That will allow my paladin eventually to ditch his mining and switch to enchanting down the road. Along…

  • Where to Go From Here?

    Now that I’ve been betrayed and injured like Michael Corleone from the Godfather series, I need to figure out where my life turns from here. In some ways, it feels like freedom because I’ll never have to worry about that issue again. I can find someone new to obsess over. A friend of mine at…