Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • World of Warcraft: Hitting A Wall of Professions

    Once you have an 85 level toon, it’s very easy to have stuff trickle down to your other toons. In my case, I’ve been supporting my shaman’s tailoring and enchanting skills through my paladin. I managed to accumulate a great deal of frostweave cloth that was sitting and collecting dust in his bank account and…

  • World of Warcraft: Moving on Up!

    Finally, I managed to have my death knight hit level 85 today. That’s my second 85 next to my paladin. I’ve halted questing temporarily in the Twilight Highlands and will start having him focus on mining ore. That will allow my paladin eventually to ditch his mining and switch to enchanting down the road. Along…

  • Where to Go From Here?

    Now that I’ve been betrayed and injured like Michael Corleone from the Godfather series, I need to figure out where my life turns from here. In some ways, it feels like freedom because I’ll never have to worry about that issue again. I can find someone new to obsess over. A friend of mine at…

  • Rapture on 5/21/2011 for Me: Reina Miyauchi from MAX Gets Married 🙁

    For the average person on this earth, Rapture (aka 5/21/2011) was a rather uneventful day. People went on their business or were awaiting for a cataclysmic event to occur. There certainly was an eruption from a volcano in Iceland, but it only affected a small section of the world. However, for one small person (i.e.…

  • The New KeithWatanabe.net is Alive

    My old blog site is still up as an archive of my 7 or so years blogging. However, I’ve decided to retire the code because of the difficulty of maintaining that code base (especially considering that wordpress seems to be a better fit). So this will be the home to the newer version and be…