Tag: character classes
Diablo 3: Vyr’s Archon Wizard Build for Patch 2.3
No fancy picture today containing my build from PTR. But I wanted to discuss the basic build for the revamped Vyr’s set based on my own play through on PTR.
Diablo 3: Justice/Blessed Hammer Seeker of the Light Crusader Build for Patch 2.3
Patch 2.3 introduces to us a new Crusader set called the Seeker of the Light. The focus is on Blessed Hammer and Falling Sword. For the most part, it is a pretty decent damaging set with some defensive capabilities built in but utilizes a somewhat awkward skill in Falling Sword as a key feature. This…
Diablo 3: Jade Harvester Witch Doctor for Patch 2.3
Right now, I’m looking into trying a revamped version of the Jade Harvester Witch Doctor for Patch 2.3. Having Kanai’s Cube allows Jade Harvester Witch Doctors a little more wiggle room with regards to equipment and even certain stats. Given that, I want to go over the setup for this build.
Diablo 3: Theorycrafting Possible Ideas for Kanai’s Cube
As emphasized in my previous blog, Kanai’s Cube will be the star of the show in the upcoming 2.3 patch. Tons of talk about what’s possible, what isn’t and some early ideas have flooded the Blizzard forums. This blog will dive into some current builds and see which items might work well with those builds.
Diablo 3: Personal Favorite Builds, Disliked Builds and Goofing Around
I’m at the point in non-season where I managed to acquire a reasonable amount of gear for each toon/class x2 that I wanted to provide an overall assessment of things since patch 2.2. I can’t speak for certain specific builds that require extraordinary gear (like an Ancient Kridershot) but just my experience with sets and…
Diablo 3: Patch 2.2 Today and Future Patch Thoughts
Patch 2.2 is planned for today and will represent a fairly large content patch, mostly with regards to reworked legendary sets, new legendary sets and other items as well as some quality of life changes, goblins and a few new quests. Here’s some thoughts based on what I’ve read so far.
Diablo 3: Data Mined Patch 2.2 Notes from DiabloFans and Gear Discussion
More concrete information has been released on the DiabloFans website containing not just some of the upcoming changes to the legacy legendary sets but some new features that will be released in Asia (at first), the Cursed Realms, side quests, etc. What I want to focus on in this blog is the information regarding the…