Tag: character classes

  • Diablo 3: Season 2 and Me

    Season 2 is just another 2 days away for me and I’m pretty excited. Unlike Season 1, I will participate early on for Season 2. In this blog, I want to discuss why I changed my position on participating in seasons.

  • Diablo 3: Chakram vs Evasive Fire M6 Demon Hunter Builds

    Recently, I managed to obtain a very powerful Ancient Calamity for my Demon Hunter and found a near perfectly rolled Spines of Seething Hatred quiver. In turn, I had been mostly running a Chakram build for low level stuff. However, because I already had a Bombadier’s Rucksack, I wanted to give the Evasive Fire build…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.1.2 Experience, Gearing and Farming Ideas

    Patch 2.1.2 for Diablo 3 dropped yesterday and I gave it a quick spin with the Demon Hunter and Monk. Fortunately, I had the prescience to hoard various legendaries that I felt would eventually make a comeback in the future, thus allowing myself to quickly swap  some gear for both my Demon Hunter and Monk…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Working with EE Keeper

    At a certain point where you feel you’ve accomplished your basic goals in a game, the way you can take it to the next level is modding it. With Baldur’s Gate 2, there’s a really cool utility called EE Keeper that allows you to modify your saved games for the Enhanced Edition. The main purpose…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Modifying NPCs to Be More Interesting

    I heard there’s a program that allows you to modify NPCs a bit. The main benefit is to give the NPCs a little more variety and hopefully make them more appealing (since many have either poor stats or just offer nothing in terms of their classes). So here’s some ideas in terms of making the…

  • Diablo 3: Ideas on Improving Class Sets

    Something that I want to work on in this blog is coming up with some ideas to improve upon class sets. I mentioned previously that I do feel Demon Hunter’s Marauders set is in a good spot overall prior to the nerf and that the real issue is improving upon other sets. Here, I want…

  • Diablo 3: More Futzing Around With Builds

    Using the weekend’s experience buff, I decided to hit the old Diablo 3 pretty hard. I managed in the end to hit paragon level 602, not intentionally but it was part of my holiday goals. The other thing I wanted to work on was striving for some better gear, mostly on my Witch Doctor pet…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.1.2 Coming Up

    One of the talks I was looking forward to the most at BlizzCon 2014 was the preview of the upcoming patch 2.1.2 changes. On Thursday night, I had the chance to meet with the Diablo 3 team, but I purposefully avoided asking anything about future content patches as I figured everything would be addressed here…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.1.1 High End Build Comparisons

    This post might seem really late in the game considering that patch 2.1.1 has been out for some time now. However, one of the things I’ve managed to accomplish is gear and try out all the popular high end builds as best as I could and try a few different play styles. Yes, this does…

  • Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Build and Gear Discussion

    Obviously, Diablo 3 has come a very long way since the vanilla days where you practically had only 1-2 viable class options and limited useful items in terms of builds and gear. The game has been moving towards a far more flexible game play where gear options are a lot more interesting with legendaries having…