Tag: character classes
World of Warcraft: Class Change Thoughts
On the topic of class changes, I decided to write a post about somethings I wish were changed with classes/specs.
World of Warcraft: DPS Class/Spec Review for Patch 5.3
Mike Preach has come up with some interesting videos discussing whether you should roll a certain class or not. I felt inspired by a lot of his commentary and wanted to throw my two cents into the mix by examining the DPS roles of classes and specs I’ve played in this expansion so far. Retribution…
World of Warcraft: My Favorite Classes/Specs
As an alt-a-holic, I am someone who generally has been agnostic in terms of favoring any single class at the very top. I can see the benefits of each and enjoy the play style of most of them. The only thing I really don’t play is a healer as I feel that it can be…
World of Warcraft: Which Classes to Stay Away From as a New Player
In my previous blog, I wrote up a summary of why I felt ranged classes made for a good starting point for new players. Here, I wanted to contrast that idea with classes that you may want to stay away from as a new player. Generally speaking, I advise new players to avoid healing. Healing…
World of Warcraft: Best Starting Class/Role
World of Warcraft certainly has changed since I first started. The game has become a hundred times simpler in terms of all the different aspects you had to manage about your character. Also, questing and dealing with most mobs are no longer as problematic because of the clean up of old areas and making mobs…
World of Warcraft Needs A Massive Revamp of Classes
World of Warcraft originally allowed for interesting specs to come about as a result of a flexible talent tree. When Cataclysm came out, it destroyed the flexible system by forcing players to choose a talent tree from the beginning. Supposedly, the idea was to help “new players” in creating a more focused talent tree and…