Tag: mage

  • Wizardry 6: And Yet Another Starting Party

    I’ll admit it. I have a huge issue when it comes to alts and starting parties. I love theorycrafting parties, trying them out and tweaking things until I’m happy. Well, it happened again and I may have come up with a reasonably satisfying party. However, I did a few “tweaks” to deal with the frustration…

  • Wizardry 6: The Adventure Continues (with the New Party)

    Perhaps, I managed to stumble upon a winning combo that has kept my interest going in my latest Wizardry 6 play through. That combo is the party that I have created from the previous blog post where I’ve managed to make it work and feel reasonably satisfied with the results. Is it perfect? By no…

  • World of Warcraft: Mage at 90 and Theories of Gold Spending

    I hit level 90 on my mage a day ago and used my own guide to gear her up quick. I got pretty lucky in doing a Galleon group which drop some excellent starting boots, helping to take my ilvl to the minimum for entering Mogu’shan Vaults. After that, I farmed vaults using Elder Charms…

  • World of Warcraft: Warrior at Level 90 Next Eyeballing Mage

    I managed to hit 90 on my warrior last night. Overall, I would say that the entire process probably took roughly 4-5 nights altogether. Ultimately, my path consisted of doing the Jade Forest in its entirety (85-87), half of Valley of the Four Winds (87-88), Kun-Lai Summit (88-89) and finishing off with probably around a…