Tag: party combinations

  • Wizardry 6 Ongoing Optimized Party Experiment

    I blogged yesterday about the article which pointed out the optimized party based around Mana regeneration and decided to give my version a try. The biggest question to me was whether or not I could change professions at level to accomplish this feat. In brief, the answer is absolutely! As a result, I put my…

  • Wizardry 6: Crazy Starting Party for Optimization

    Since the Diablo 4 season 7 has been tepid for me while the PTR for season 8 looks less than appealing, I ended up going back to Wizardry 6 to play through another party. While my current party is interesting to say the least, I stumbled upon an article for a different type of party…

  • Wizardry 6: Revised Optimal Starting Party Experiment

    After writing a previous post, I began thinking about how a true optimal starting party would play out. Because my current party started to drag with the level grinding, I decided to give a few parties a shot to see which one felt better at the start of the game. Unfortunately, the first party ended…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Perfect Combo Party? 3 Custom and 3 NPCs?

    Before getting into something I’ve started up recently, let me just rant about how my Alienware just bit the big one today. I am having a repair guy come down to replace the motherboard, which I think has been going after a while (I thought it was the video card or memory), so hopefully I…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: NPC Party Compositions

    I prefer multi-player play more than the single player option just because of being able to have the ability to customize my party, even if i merely choose to create a single character. However, after writing a few lengthy articles on customized party combinations, I decided to put some thoughts down on using a single…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Two More Party Slots?

    After writing my previous commentary on party composition (which I did in the past from a different blog), I mourned the fact that the game did not allow for a slightly bigger party. While there are other issues in having such large parties, the thing about games like Baldur’s Gate is the fun factor in…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Class/Party Composition Re-Roll Thoughts

    I just busted out my Baldur’s Gate 2 disc (although my reader isn’t working for some reason) as I have been thinking quite a bit about this subject lately. Nothing excites me more than character creation in an RPG. Baldur’s Gate 2 satisfies this craving by allowing one to create up to 6 different characters…