Druid at 79; Cataclysm Coming Up!

Feeling rather ill this weekend, I did little again outside of working on my druid. I managed to really push her, landing at 79. Hopefully, if I have enough time tomorrow (or this week), I’ll get her up to 80 fairly quickly. Then it’ll be on to Mount Hyjal.

I want her at 85 quickly so I can continue to work on her Inscription skills as well as having someone with the capability to find Volatile Life. Afterwards I can continue to level either my hunter or my shaman (maybe even my warlock).

That all said, I’ve been interested in seeing how other feral druids DPS rotation is handled. One thing I’ve noticed is that there’s little information on solo feral druid DPS rotation with the current patch. Most of the information is geared towards raid bosses or situations where you have a tank. The reason for my interests is that cats supposedly have a complex rotation. But I think that rotation is more for bosses. From a solo perspective, it seems a lot easier.

As a solo feral druid, I have two methods: prowl (always when out of a fight), pounce (when it’s on cooldown), ravage, rake, feral fire (which stacks 3x), mangle x5 and any remaining energy goes to rip. When pounce is on cooldown, my next method is prowl, ravage (from behind), rake, feral fire, mangle, tiger fury, then mangle x4 and rip. Usually, between kills, I alternate in letting the cooldowns between pounce and tiger fury wear off so that I can start up again. Also, I have a macro that turns on my cool downs such as berserking, berserk, trinkets and whatnot. Right now, I think it’s busted because there might be some excessive abilities that get prevented as a result of some other ability on global cooldown.

I did read one comment on wowhead lamenting when people use mangle as the premier combo point builder as opposed to shred. Because shred requires you to be behind your enemy, I think for solo feral druids it’s impossible to use unless there’s an easy way to paralyze a mob so that you can build combo points. Realistically though, shred seems to be the combo point generator only in boss fights or where you have a tank managing the direction of the mobs for you.

At any rate, I am looking very much to yet another level 85 toon coming up. I can’t wait for her to be able to make relics and darkmoon cards for my toons.

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