World of Warcraft: How Dailies Burnt Me Out

For the past two weeks, I’ve neglected to do my dailies in World of Warcraft. In fact, I’ve barely logged on to do anything. The most I’ll do is LFR and the Sha of Anger. Outside of that, I’ve found the game to have become really boring because the content and progression have primarily become dictated by daily quests.

Molten Front was an interesting idea alternative to gearing up in Cataclysm. It presented an opportunity for non-raiders to get some decent gear by progressing through a month long quest line that slowly opened. Once you completed the quest line though, you pretty much would only do it a few more times for rep on alts.

In MoP, you’re pretty much forced into doing dailies. Blizzard will deny it but the player base by large has recognized this as a huge issue. For myself, I found the repetitive nature to be banal and dreary. Honestly, outside of reputation and tiny amounts of valor, you really get nothing out of doing dailies. Worse yet, there’s just too many. And you have to think about alts as well.

Supposedly, in the next patch, reputation will be earned quicker. But that doesn’t stop this horrible content wall of dailies.

The thing for me is that these dailies are really time consuming and competitive. A lot of kill stealing, phasing issues and too much travel. I think completing all dailies probably can take a few hours at minimal. Don’t let these people on forums fool you into thinking that they only take 30 minutes. They don’t. They need to really time themselves and demonstrate an average.

Compare that to say patch 4.3 where I think they had a decent formula. The dungeons were reasonably tuned and LFR wasn’t too bad (except the last fight and Ultraxion…but that mostly was due to ninja pullers/griefers). I hated Cataclysm for the most part but I dealt with it by leveling tons of alts from 1-85. Once patch 4.3 came out, I felt that Blizzard recognized the error of their ways and redeemed themselves through creating content that was fast and more or less fun with decent rewards.

The current patch is just unbearable. Trying to get one toon to hit the minimum for LFR is a nightmare. Then the stupid loot rules prevents people from sharing loot if they want to be generous. The gear is all hidden behind reputation walls sealed through the daily grind. Factor in the high cost of gear which is again put behind another wall of valor points. And they also made justice points practically worthless.

Seriously, who the fuck designed this shit? Did anyone bother looking at how the numbers would come out on paper? Or maybe they just looked at their accounting statements?

Here’s the thing with dailies for me. I think leveling up via questing is fine. That’s where you learn your new abilities as a soloist. Once you hit your level cap you want to start maximizing what you’ve learned. But you don’t want to be put through more questing. And if you are, then definitely not through mandatory dailies. You want action. Dailies isn’t “action” to me. They’re just mindless busy work, kinda like when your fail school goes on strike and the remaining staff have no idea what to do with you.

Quite frankly, I’ve found this expansion to be complete shit. It’s really boring and the only thing I’ve liked thus far have been the pet battles. But I’m utterly bored doing the same damn thing over and over. Which is why I quit doing dailies and switched to Diablo 3.

However, I’m thinking of taking this a step further and just cancelling my account. I don’t find the game to be fun anymore. Most of my friends have quit and my guild sucks. I don’t want to join a new guild after all the effort I’ve already put into it. At the same time, I don’t see any point of playing when no one is on and that I have no one to play with.

For a social game, I don’t see a lot left that’s really social. It feels anti-social and anti-climatic to what looked like a great run. But I don’t want to play a game that’s so time consuming but with little to look forward to.

I hope Blizzard fixes this issue with an upcoming patch. It seems that they always make the first few patches to be pretty shitty once you max your level out. Maybe they should put more effort into thinking how that content can be repeatable and fun. Boring tank and spank fights are definitely a lot better than this daily shit.

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