World of Warcraft: Hit 90 on Druid

Finally, after not bothering with my druid for the longest time, I managed to get her to 90. It was a painful process. When you get out of the grove of leveling, it takes quite a bit to push your back into place. You feel overwhelmed or that there’s no light at the end of the tunnel at times.

Fortunately, in a game like WoW, there is an end but it can be tedious. Once you bypass that point, things seem to move much faster. I managed to complete 89 and went to Townlonge Steppes. Usually, after the Jade Forest, questing can get pretty brutal. Some areas like the Dread Wastes are just synonyms for mental blocks when it comes to the lengthy grind quests. So my solution? I leveled with a guildie.

When you do things with others, you’ll find that time passes by quicker. Sure, you might have to spend more time when it comes to pick up quests. But it’s worth it. It’s kind of like pair programming. When you’re on your own, it’s easy to lose focus. While working with someone else, you tend to be less distracted since you’re attempting to solve a problem. When paired up with someone else for leveling, you end up pushing each other further, so the pain points of mentally moving past certain zones no longer feel as horrid as they might’ve during the first iteration.

Either way, I’m quite happy now that she’s level 90. I’m hoping to do one Sha of Anger run before the reset, at the very least to get the ilvl 476 boots to start. In the meantime, I’m looking for ways to boost her ilvl so that she can eventually start running LFR. Mostly, I’ve been buying the 450 PVP gear as well as rings and necklace piece from the auction house. At the moment, I’m still missing the helmet, pants and bracers and hope to grab those fairly soon. I might cheese it a bit and just bite the bullet by purchasing the 476 chest piece (it’s around 5k gold). The other thing I’m working on is getting enough materials to upgrade her staff to the Inscription ilvl 476 staff. What’s nice about that is that it’s bind on account, so eventually, I’ll be able to trade it to my mage, priest and warlock. Definitely worth the time investment.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to assemble some guild groups to do heroics. That’s something majorly lacking in my guild. But I think if we can procure a tank and healer, it’ll work out nicely. Then I might not have to depend on the auction house for gear.

At the same time, I started working on my hunter once again. After not being able to find certain gear for my druid, I felt somewhat compelled to level my hunter just for leatherworking. It’s probably silly of me as gear does pop up from time-to-time. But it also is a way to push myself to drive my characters further. I hope to eventually get the rest of my guys to 90, or at least the ones with professions.

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