World of Warcraft: To Disenchant or Not While Leveling in Mist of Pandaria

Enchanting traditionally has been one of the hardest and most costly professions to level. One of the most popular things to do is combine tailoring with enchanting, thus allowing you to disenchant the items you create through tailoring with your enchanting skills. This works well while you level. However, you can also use your questing items to create materials for enchanting, but you’ll find yourself short on gold in the long run.

When you get to Mist of Pandaria, your questing items will give you quite a bit of gold on top of the regular gold rewards. Yet unlike previous expansions, there’s a guaranteed method for getting enchanting materials in Mist of Pandaria: your farm. So while it’s tempting to use your questing rewards for helping your enchanting, you really are far better off just waiting a little bit and making gold from any gear you acquire along the way. That isn’t to say this is 100% necessary but I would try to make as much gold so you can afford Pandaria flying.

Obviously, this is all discretionary. You can try just using gear you craft (if you go the tailoring/enchanting route) for your base materials until you get your farm. And naturally the amount of materials required for leveling up enchanting at a reasonable rate will still take a fair amount of time, something that just using the farm alone may prove unsatisfactory. However, it is a distinct possibility to give you a bit of a hand, especially if you’ve been struggling with making gold with these two professions.

Another thing you could do if you have multiple 90 alts is just collectively use all your farms to create those materials for your enchanter. Right now as I level my mage, I’m thinking at the possibilities of having 8 90s in the near future with full farms being able to mass produce any type of material for whatever profession I choose to work on. It’s a great idea that I’m looking forward to once I finish this alt off.

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