World of Warcraft: Easy Gold with Embersilk Bags

If you have a tailor who is level 90 and can do reasonable AoE farming, then this quick guide is for you. In Deepholm, there’s a section where you have numerous troggs engaged in a perpetual battle on the south western corner of the map. You can find anywhere between 4-10+ mobs gathered around. These mobs drop a fair amount of Embersilk cloth, which you can also use for improving your tailoring or selling straight out on the AH.

So the idea here is to nuke down these groups of mobs. I use a Mage and blast them with Arcane Explosion. They hardly do any damage to you and go down in a few well centered hits. With a reasonably sized group, you can find up to 10+ Embersilk pieces. Along with some greens.

If you have a tailor (and enchanter), you can farm this area for some time, disenchanting the greens then using the dust to create your Embersilk bags. I think these can go for around 200-400+ gold on the Auction House. Even without using the Auction House, these mobs still will drop a few pieces of gold and gray items that will net you some decent gold. I haven’t tested exactly how much gold you can make an hour just on the drops alone but it is a very nice source of money overall. Also, I haven’t really seen too many people farming in this region and the cluster of groups along with their low level make it far more efficient than slaying the ghosts in Tol Barad.

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