Category: lifestyle
New Huuger TV Stand Dresser for My Living Room
I decided for my birthday to bite the bullet and purchase this Huuger TV Stand Dresser for my living room. Originally, I was looking at buffet bars and ended up deciding to waiting because they were either expensive or not a good fit for what I wanted. The alternative was a TV stand where I…
L.A. 2.0 in the Works
With the recent fires starting to get under the control, the most immediate concern following is the rebuilding of the damaged areas. Fortunately, the bulk of the damage was localized to two areas with a lot of brush rather than just suburban zones. Obviously though, the damage was quite extensive with all the buildings decimated.…
Corona Virus: The Pandemic We Needed Not the One We Deserved
Pretty much the world is going to hell with this whole Corona Virus nonsense. It reminds me of AIDS when it first started to make headlines. The primary difference between then and now is the sheer access and volume of information at our disposal in an instant. However, in many ways I think this is…
Will America Soon Go into A Recession?
I was reading an article where some economist made the rather flamboyant statement that America will be heading into a recession. People have said this for years and as far as I remember this fear has been strong since the dot com crash of 2000. How accurate is this type of statement? What are the…
Cooking: Mabo Tofu
Recently, I bought a cheap, simple Aroma rice maker. I think I have one but I don’t know if it still works. So I decided to start from scratch since I had very poor results in Japan that discouraged me. The great thing is that it came out to a reasonable degree.
Lifestyle: Dealing With An Itchy Couch
I bought a couch in 2005 that has served me well. Usually though, around this time of the year as the seasons grow dryer and mold starts to set in, I’ve found that I get horrible rashes and itches. Part of the culprit appears to be my couch since it’s old and the material probably…