Category: technology
Tech Stories: A Conversation With Randal Schwartz
If you’ve never heard of Randal Schwartz, you’ve probably never had to deal with Perl. But if you’re an experienced Perl programmer there’s a good chance you would have run into this guy’s name at some point in your career. He’s one of the original Perl gods and famous (or infamous) for the Schwartzian Transform.…
Tech Stories: The Early Ad Click Scam
After working at the shady warehouse over in Irvine, I switched to an ecommerce company dealing mostly with racing parts. The margins were higher (according to the CTO and founder) which would make the business a little more profitable. Regardless, these parts were being cataloged by a team of data entry people located on the…
Tech Stories: You Know Computer Science Therefore You Know Linux
One of the first jobs I worked where I was trying to build up my resume was a small chop-shop over in Mission Viejo editing simple HTML for an online document system. It was my first “real” job outside of college where I would get to sink my teeth into doing something semi-related with the…
Why Online Content (Publishing) is A Shitty Business Model
Earlier, I read an article that talked about how Medium will do a pretty big layoff and close a few offices around the country. Medium describes itself as a publishing platform and allows people to “have their voices heard.” Yet from a superficial viewpoint, I can’t see what their platform does that a simple WordPress…
Yahoo Sold Off to Verizon and What It Means
Marissa Mayer arguably did her job when she finally found a willing buyer for Yahoo in Verizon. Already, Yahoo had been tossing assets overboard in trying to make themselves attractive. Even the few strategic buys like tumblr proved fruitless over time in an effort to stay independently afloat. Thus, the real exit strategy in a…