Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • Lost Ark: Moving Into Feiton and Starting Berserker Off in Tier 1

    Got some decent progression in today. Lots to go over from my Shadowhunter to my other alts. I’m writing this just after having my first Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell and thinking to myself, “Why did I ever miss this in the first place?” while sitting on my couch in a food coma.

  • Lost Ark: 2nd Punika Tier 3 Character

    Finally, I managed to get my Sorceress into Punika and even finish it today. I felt if I didn’t get at least part way done, she would have been sitting on her ass just collecting dust. And because she’s a Sorceress, doing the Punika quests felt pretty trivial.

  • Lost Ark and Clash of Clans Combo Post (Another One)

    Figured that since I’ve been doing these combo posts that I should just write up another one. Normally, I was doing something like this in my private blog section but I have nothing else to talk about except writers block so it made no sense to continue wasting XXX amount of hours in a day…

  • Lost Ark: Cooled Off in the Evening But Mad About Other Things

    I cooled off in the evening and decided to do my usual routine. Got some major dailies done, including the Lopang Island Soul which made me very happy. There’s a few others I’m working on where I switched a few dailies on my main like doing Isteri and Whispering Islet since there’s a few key…

  • Lost Ark and Clash of Clans Combined Post

    Today was the big update for Lost Ark. A good chunk of it really is meant for people who are geared out and active guilds. There were quality of life changes added too and a new class in the Destroyer. But for someone like myself, none of this matters because I’m not in the targeted…

  • Clash of Clans: TH13 Making the Moves

    Today was more of a Clash of Clans day rather than Lost Ark one for me, even though on both games I made some decent progress. The thing with Lost Ark at least was that I got a little burnt out and was tired. Right now, I could get on and complete two Chaos Dungeons…

  • Lost Ark: Quick Day

    I started late on Lost Ark and missed out on the Adventure Island event that gives gold. Unfortunately, I was too tired most of the day as a result of a very long early morning session that had me see the crack of dawn. But I’ll get into that part in a bit.

  • Clash of Clans: TH13 Day 2

    Got some good progress since the TH13 upgrade from yesterday. I’m also receiving the x4 bonus from dailies which is nice in helping me get some precious resources for the initial round of upgrades. But I’m feeling a plan emerge as all these elements come together.

  • Clash of Clans: Finally Into TH13

    I decided to say fuck it and just push my main account to TH13 today. The upgrades were getting boring and mostly had Cannons, Traps and a few Archer Towers besides the insipid Walls to upgrade in terms of defenses and way too many levels to work on for my Barbarian King. The whole “don’t…

  • Lost Ark: Good and Bad Progress

    I probably played today longer than I should have. But I was waiting for my Amazon Fresh delivery and wanted to kill some time. There’s a few things that I’m keenly aiming for which is why I’m doing the daily grind. Not to mention I want to take full advantage of the Crystaline Aura while…