Tag: alien

  • Alien: The Relevance of Time

    Time is one aspect in the Alien series that has been inconsistent especially when it relates to the xenomorph’s biology. While perusing a few articles on the subject of the xenomorph’s biology, one thing stands out is that the incubation process has been listed as anywhere between a few minutes to hours. Probably, the worst…

  • Alien: Brett Cocoon vs Brett Egg

    Recently, I ran across a video showing rare footage of HR Giger painting a prop of Brett in a cocoon. The description of the video made it sound gruesome in terms of the cocoon being more hideous. Turns out it was the same cocoon from HR Giger’s Alien book.

  • Alien: More Pondering About The Infamous Cocoon/Egg Scene

    With my HBOMax about to expire and Alien soon to be taken off their list, I decided to watch (or listen actually) to Alien the Directors cut one more time tonight. While I love the movie overall, I’ve been both mystified and ambivalent towards the cocoon/egg scene that’s included in the Director’s Cut. It’s a…

  • Alien: The Brett Egg Controversy

    If there’s a movie that has the most controversial deleted scene in the history of cinema, it’s possibly Alien with the cocoon lair. What makes the scene controversial is that it resolves a major missing piece in the puzzle of the alien biology that only hardcore fans have cared about. At the same time, without…

  • Alien Covenant: A Sort of Review

    Right now, most of the Alien series has been gathered over on HBO and up for a bit in preparation for Alien: Covenant. I had been re-watching the original Alien movie and tonight I finally got to see Alien: Covenant in it’s entirety. Ridley Scott have you gone senile?

  • Alien: Covenant the Trailer

    Just saw the Alien: Covenant trailer and thus far I’m already disappointed. Not going to lie nor hold back how I feel. Obviously, this isn’t the whole movie but with trailers these days, you hardly have room to second guess what comes next.

  • Prometheus: New Review After Re-Watch

    Last night I decided to re-watch Prometheus. I enjoy having a decent movie in the background while doing something once in a while. Prometheus is a great background movie because the movie is good and there’s some great scenes that I enjoy watching. So how does it stack up versus my initial few times watching?

  • Prometheus 2: Will We Get More Insight into the Aliens Themselves?

    One question I’m hoping that will be answered is if we’ll see more insight into the aliens in the upcoming Prometheus 2 sequel. I’ve already provided my say into this manner in my own script (which I won’t talk about here) but for future writers (in case I don’t get the job…which I doubt regardless),…

  • Alien/Prometheus – Why Did Ridley Scott Re-release the Egg Scene in Theaters?

    As I continue to work on my outline for Prometheus 2, one question hit me today: why did Ridley Scott re-release the controversial egg scene in theaters (i.e. the Director’s Cut)? I ask this because the film was continuously re-released on DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. I felt that all the re-releases were satisfying enough for hardcore…

  • Prometheus: What Was the Ampule Room Exactly?

    As I try to get back into writing the script for Prometheus 2, I find myself struggling to connect what I’m doing back to the original movie. There were numerous questions left in the movie that many people want answered. I covered some speculation in a previous blog, but I think one of the biggest…