Tag: blizzard
World of Warcraft: 1.3 Million Subscribers Down
That’s a pretty large number and is comparable to the population of Burning Crusade, except that it’s getting lower. The two main things people seem to point to are game age and Asia. However, I know that saying the game’s age is a common issue, but I feel that it’s too high level and generic…
Diablo 3: Patch 1.0.8 Disaster, Gold Dupe Exploits and More Bans
Today, Patch 1.0.8 was released and with a great deal of controversy. At first, the bugs seemed quite small with a few annoying issues that came out of a nice sized patch. Of course, you also have some QQ issues as well with the change in XP/drops for certain mobs. However, the real disaster occurred…
Blizzard: Where Does It Go from Here in 2013?
Today, Blizzard announced that the current PVP season for World of Warcraft is ending on March 5, creating speculation that the new patch most likely will be in effect about the same period. If, indeed, the patch does get deployed during that week, we should think about how this unfolds, considering that the next expansion…
World of Warcraft: Blizzard Backs Down on the Valor Point Downgrade for Patch 5.2
Blizzard announced in a blue post how they’ve retracted their decision for the Valor Point downgrade for the upcoming patch. It was a good move on their part since, as I had mentioned in a previous post, it wasn’t a well thought out plan that differed too drastically from previous expansions. However, this move doesn’t…
600 Let Go Over at Blizzard
My friend pointed out how 600 employees were let go by Blizzard. Most were not developers but sections that were over staffed. Without question, part of the decision most likely was due to the massive subscription loss in the past year (around 1.8 million). While the finger pointing has occurred, you cannot deny that at…