Tag: professions

  • Wizardry 6: Changing Professions Discussion

    My previous blog explored some thought experiments on the direction I wanted to take my party. After growing frustrated at the little zone that leads to the Enchanted Forest in the basement, I ended up making some modifications to my party to help give myself a little boost. Without actually increasing my XP, I mostly…

  • World of Warcraft: Boosting, Is It Worth It?

    Since I pre-ordered Warlords of Draenor, one nice little perk was being able to receive a boosted level 90. I debated whether to create a 90 on my friend’s server or just boosting an alliance toon on another server I occasionally play on. What ended up happening is that I figured that since my friend…

  • World of Warcraft: The Pros and Cons of Alt-A-Holicism

    As someone who has played RPGs for a long time, I’m someone who enjoys trying out different classes to see the difference in game play. In World of Warcraft, they call my style of play Alt-A-Holicism. Maybe some people stigmatize the idea of playing numerous alts, but it has its share of benefits as well…

  • World of Warcraft: The Beauty of Ten Farms

    Over the past few days, I’ve been working intensely on maximizing my toons’ farms and utilizing them on a daily basis. At the moment, I have 8 maxed out farms with two more having 12 plots of land opened (as a result of having revered reputation). It’s a pain but in the long term well…

  • World of Warcraft: Some Cheap Tricks to Get Easy Stuff at Level 90

    I consider myself a casual and lazy player. But not lazy as in “I just want to sit on my ass and be handed stuff while sleeping and eating pizza simultaneously.” Lazy as in “I want to play smart with doing minimal effort but maximizing what I can do with my time.” Sometimes, I feel…

  • World of Warcraft: Are Fishing and Cooking Worth Taking?

    Up until Mist of Pandaria, the fishing and cooking professions were some of the most heinous professions to level. Fishing was simply boring as you took ages just grinding through zones until eventually you couldn’t push any farther. Cooking really only saw benefits for raiding but the rest of cooking practically was useless, unless you…

  • World of Warcraft: To Disenchant or Not While Leveling in Mist of Pandaria

    Enchanting traditionally has been one of the hardest and most costly professions to level. One of the most popular things to do is combine tailoring with enchanting, thus allowing you to disenchant the items you create through tailoring with your enchanting skills. This works well while you level. However, you can also use your questing…

  • World of Warcraft: What to Do At Level 90 for PVE

    You just hit level 90 maybe finishing Townlong Steppes on your journey. The game opens up the doors and you have far more options now since you no longer are in the tunnel of gaining experience. What should you do? This post is geared towards newer players or even players interested in figuring out some…

  • World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria Patch 5.0 and 5.1 Retrospective

    Okay, probably I won’t go much into depth about Patch 5.1 considering that the most I’ve dealt with in that patch is the new dailies. But I would like to review the current game since Patch 5.2 is coming out in a week or so. So far we’ve been introduced to a new continent with…

  • World of Warcraft: Gear Cheesing in Mist of Pandaria

    You just hit 90 and you’re wondering what to do next? If your intent is to aim for heroics, you’ll probably be undergeared a few item levels if you’ve just been questing the entire time. So this guide is for the person who hasn’t instance grinded their way to level 90 and is wondering how…