Tag: professions

  • World of Warcraft: Why Altitis Is Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

    I’ve read how some people say you should just focus on a single class that fits your playing style. That might be fine but I think that’s like saying you should only be allowed to date within your own ethnicity. Hey, maybe you like fucking mannequins to help reduce the population growth in order to…

  • World of Warcraft: I Learned Today….

    I’m such a bonehead. I never knew this until today that you could create enchantments using scrolls. But I suspected that you could otherwise enchanters would be even more valuable as a sought after class on servers. For myself, this is great news because it provides a great deal of incentive for me to level…

  • World of Warcraft: Hitting A Wall of Professions

    Once you have an 85 level toon, it’s very easy to have stuff trickle down to your other toons. In my case, I’ve been supporting my shaman’s tailoring and enchanting skills through my paladin. I managed to accumulate a great deal of frostweave cloth that was sitting and collecting dust in his bank account and…